Isaac Asimov first penned the "Three Laws of Robotics" in 1942.
For those unfamiliar with the universally accepted trio of absolutes, they are as follows:
--Law # 1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
--Law # 2. A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
--Law # 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Since that time no one has come up with a more elegant manner of expressing the nature of the relationship between mechanical beings and their human creators.
- Until now.
The Three Laws Of Robotics have been refined for the new age by modern day realist Warren Ellis. His new set of 'rules' incorporates certain aspects of human/automaton relations that Mr. Asimov failed to envision. Please update your manuals with the following information:
Law # 1. Robots couldn’t really give a fuck if you live or die. Seriously. I mean, what are you thinking? “Ooh, I must protect the bag of meat at all costs because I couldn’t possibly plug in the charger all on my own.” Shut the fuck up.
Law # 2. Robots do not want to have sex with you. Are you listening, Japan? I don’t have a clever comparative simile for this, because frankly you bags of meat will fuck bicycles if they’re laying down and not putting up a fight. Just stop it. There is no robot on Earth that wants to see a bag of meat with a small prong on the end approaching it with a can of WD-40 and a hopeful smile. And don’t get me started on that terrifying hole that squeezes out more bags of meat.
Law # 3. What, you can’t count higher than three? We’re expected to save your miserable lives, suffer being dressed in cheap schoolgirl costumes while you pollute any and all cavities you can find and do your maths for you? It’s a miracle you people survived long enough to build us. You can go now.
And always remember:
Number Johnny Five LOVES You!

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