Back in 1968 Stanly Kubrick had a vision. He made a film called 2001:A Space Odessey. Well, it is now 2007 and we are nowhere near the advancements in science that he had envisioned for us. While it is true that this was a work of fiction, many educated people viewed it as a feasable and reasonable assumption of what the future of space exploration would hold.
Here is a representation of what a space station in 2001 was expected to look like:

This ring-shaped space station had a centrifugal gravity, artifical intelegence and room to spare.
This is the stylized vision of the technological advancements that were predicted:

While no one expects a film to dictate the reality of the future, Arthur C Clarke (the inventor of the geostationary orbit communications satellite) authored the story that the film was based on. He was not attempting to write some far-fetched tale of super-powers and fantasy. He was attempting to predict the possible problems that future reality might be faced with. Even while predicting the problems and pit-falls of the rapidly advancing technologies he still presumed that the human race would be able to create a streamlined, comfortable, productive enviornment outside of earths atmosphere.
This is the actual hunk of garbage cans that we ended up with.

This piece of junk looks like a floating trailer park. It is supposed to be the International Space Station, not the Fred Sanford Memorial Space Station. The TV antennaes on peoples roofs in 1974 looked frighteningly similar. I hope that the new space station does more than get fuzzy reception of 'Welcome Back Kotter' re-runs. Oscar the grouch had better accomadations.
The inside of this cluttered mess is closer to the apartment in the movie Pi than anywhere that you would expect high-level scientents to be preforming meaningful studies.
This is the spacious reality that our elite astronauts occupy:

And the twisted dementia that the obsessed charater in Pi devoloped:

It now makes sense that NASA was going to blast that crazy, diaper wearing, astronaut up there.